Which of the following countries has ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) “?
B. Palau
C. Pakistan
D. None of These (more…)
B. Palau
C. Pakistan
D. None of These (more…)
A. Pakistan Ordinance
B. interim Constitution
C. Indian Act 1935
D. None of these (more…)
A. 1973
B. 1970
C. 1956
D. 1961 (more…)
A. Expansion of people’s freedoms to live long healthy and creative lives
B. Expansion of people’s choices
C. Fulfilling people’s desires
D. Fulfilling sustainable goals (more…)
A. Pay for household work.
B. Sex segregation in jobs.
C. Sex segregation in jobs and less pay for women’s work.
D. More pays for women’s work. (more…)
A. 2010
B. 2009
C. 2008
D. 2011 (more…)
A. The self-help group movement
B. The Anti-Arrack movement
C. The food sovereignty movement
D. The Chipko movement (more…)
A. Food, health care, water supply
B. Distribution of property/lands
C. Increasing women’s wages
D. Rights to own and control property (more…)
A. Participant observation
B. Quasi-participant observation
C. Non-participant observation
D. Quasi non-participant observation (more…)
A. Unwelcome sexually determined behaviour
B. Physical contact advances
C. Sexually coloured remarks
D. Demand work (more…)