Important Cities On River Banks Of World | General Knowledge MCQs

Here, you will have Important Cities On River Banks of the World GK MCQs List. These famous Cities On River Banks of the World lists are given with a pdf download at the end. These General Knowledge MCQ of Important Cities On River Banks Of World questions and answers with solutions are equally important for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, NTS and all other competitive exams of Pakistan. Thus, These are helpful For Nts Test, Ppsc Test, Fpsc Test, Bpsc Test, Spsc Test, Kpkpsc Test and Ajkpsc Test preparation.

General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS
General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS

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GK World MCQs List for Important Cities On River Banks of the World

  1. Venice stands on what river-The Arno
  2. New York is on River Hudsonโ€™s bank.
  3. Budapest is located on the bank of Danube river.
  4. Paris is situated on the river Rhine.
  5. River passing through Paris… The Siens
  6. Paris is located ont eh bank of Seine river.
  7. Agra is on the bank of Jamuna River.
  8. On river Danube Budapest is located.
  9. On river Siene Paris is located.
  10. Montreal is situated on the bank of river Ottawa
  11. The city of Bonn is situated in Germany
  12. Calcutta is situated on Hoogli River.
  13. Belgrade stands on the river Danube.
  14. Rome is located beside the river Timber.
  15. Attock lies on River Indus.
  16. Baghdad lies on Tigris.
  17. Bahawalpur lies on Sutlej.
  18. Basra lies on Shatt-al-Arab.
  19. Bedford lies on Danube.
  20. Berlin lies on Spree.
  21. Bonn (Germany) lies on Rhine.
  22. Brussels (Belgium) lies on Senno.
  23. Budapest (Hungary) lies on Danube.
  24. Cairo lies on Nile.
  25. Kolkata lies on Hoogli.
  26. Chittagong lies on Karnaphuli.
  27. Dhaka lies on Boori Ganga.
  28. Damascus lies on Barada.
  29. Delhi lies on Jumna.
  30. Hyderabad (Sindh) lies on Indus.
  31. Jhelum lies on River Jhelum.
  32. Kanpur lies on Ganges.
  33. Khartoom lies on Blue and white Nile.
  34. Lahore lies on Ravi.
  35. London lies on Thames.
  36. Mosul lies on Tigris.
  37. Paris lies on Seine.
  38. Rohri lies on Indus.
  39. Rome lies on Tiber.
  40. Tokyo lie on Sumida.
  41. Sukkur lies on Indus.
  42. Washington lies on Vistula.
  43. Wazirabad lies on Chenab.
  44. Dublin is situated at the mouth of river Liffey
  45. Moscow is situated on the bank of river Moscow.
  46. Khartoum is situated on the bank of Nile River.
  47. Bhawalpur is situated at the bank of Sutlej.
  48. What city is at the mouth of the Menam river- Bangkok

General Knowledge MCQ questions and answers with solutions

Mountain MCQs World River MCQs
Mountain Pass MCQs Island of the World MCQs
Ocean MCQs First, Largest, Biggest & Oldest
Sea Port MCQs Desert MCQs
Straits MCQs Border Lines MCQs

General Knowledge Mcqs:

The section General Knowledge Mcqs consists of World Geography, Atmosphere, Science & Literature, events Mcqs, Current Affairs Mcqs, Pakistan Affairs Mcqs and International Organizations. These general knowledge questions are very important for all types of exams conducted by Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, Spsc, Bpsc, Ots, Uts, Pts, Cts, Ats, ETEA and other testing agencies of Pakistan.



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Important Cities On River Banks of the World General Knowledge MCQs