Star Fish is a/an ____________.

A. Invertebrates
B. Vertebrates
C. Both a & b
D. None of these

[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”]Correct Answer: Invertebrates [/expand] (more…)

Fish is a/an ____________.

A. Invertebrates
B. Vertebrates
C. Both a & b
D. None of these

[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”]Correct Answer: Vertebrates [/expand] (more…)

What is the theme of the International Day of Peace 2022?

A. Know how ultimate peace can be obtained
B. End racism. Build peace
C. Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world
D. Build an ideal World

[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”]Correct Answer: End racism. Build peace [/expand] (more…)