Sociology mcqs with answers


  1. Which one of the following is not true of a clan?

A. it is an exogamous group

B. its members do not marry within the tribe

C. ancestors can be both real as well as mystical

D. it is not unilateral

Ans. D.

  1. Which one of the following is NOT the modern trend in industrial relations?

A. new conceptions of labour is emerging

B. industry is being transferred from, a complex of industrial relations to a system of social relations

C. industry is being transferred from a complex of industrial relations into a system of political relations

D. that performance of industry is to be measured in terms of social good

Ans. D.

  1. One of the important ways in which, according to Ginsbert, goods in the past were exchanged was:

A. hospitality and exchange of gifts

B. exchange through animals

C. exchange with the help of food crops

D. exchange of women

Ans. A.

  1. Between Geography and Topography, there is a difference of character rather than of content. Which among the following gives the meaning of geography?

A. A physical description of a place

B. An intimate description of a place

C. Description of the flora and fauna

D. A description of the climatic conditions

Ans. D.

  1. A study of relations between organism and their environment is called:

A. Topography

B. Geography

C. Ecology

D. Zoology

Ans. C.

  1. Who has given the optimum population theory?

A. Edwin Canan

B. Castro

C. Dumont

D. Ricardo

Ans. a

107._________ is the fertility which exists in the absence of deliberate birth control

A. Natural fertility

B. Fecundity

C. Controlled fertility

D. Artificial fertility

Ans. a

  1. Which one of the following is NOT the most important characteristic of the State?

A. Territory

B. Population

C. Government

D. Political system

Ans. a

  1. Which one of the following does not fall under the category of optional function of the State?

A. To provide means of transportation

B. To open employment exchanges

C. To provide old age pension

D. To maintain law and order

Ans. d

  1. The industrial revolution exemplifies the kind of social change described as –

A. Continuous

B. Manifest

C. Abrupt

D. latent


  1. The oldest model of social change is –

A. Evolutionary

B. Mechanical

C. Dialectical

D. -Cyclical


  1. Migrants leaving India to settle down in the United States are to the United States and ______________ from IndiA.

A. immigrants, emigrants

B. emigrants, immigrants

C. emigrants, migrants

D. None of the above

Ans. a

  1. _____________ is the difference between the total number of persons who arrive and the total number of persons who leave.

A. Gross migration

B. Net migration

C. Volume of migration

D. Actual migration

Ans. b

  1. Social benefit of population statistics is that

A. we come to know about child mortality

B. we gather information about industrialisation

C. we gather information about consumption, needs of the people

D. identification of sources of taxation becomes possible

Ans. a

  1. Point out the factor which is NOT an unconscious encouragement to fertility

A. rebate on income-tax

B. higher deems allowance

C. facility for getting a house

D. marriage of couples at mature age

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