Headquarters of UNO


International organizations around the globe have a significant place in world affairs. Every institute has its own headquarter and settle in various countries of the entire world.  Such organizations have massive impacts on countries laws and global prices from time to time. We hereby, provide you with a list of important international organizations, their headquarters and their current heads so read and go through them thoroughly. Here, all Headquarters of UNO are given Country-wise. (more…)

Aptitude Questions

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Aptitude Questions by CSS MCQs

Aptitude Questions by CSSMCQs

Here you will find Quantities and Qualitative aptitude questions. Aptitude questions and answers are given here, most of them are taken from past MCQs test. Besides, Online test with quantitative aptitude, reasoning puzzles, data interpretation tricks and verbal ability are also given in this list. These mental ability MCQs are very helpful for all kind of competitive exams like Common Aptitude Exams (more…)