Basic Mcqs of computer

The shortcut key to delete a file without sending to recycle Bin is:

Answer: Shift + Del

How many versions of Windows 8 for PC have been released?

Answer: 3 versions

A group of 8 bits is called:

Answer: Byte

To subscript a text, shortcut key is:

Answer: Ctrl + <

The file extension .jsp stands for:

Answer: Java Server Page

What is the full form of WWW?

Answer: World Wide Web

The microphone converts the sound into:

Answer: Electrical Signals

A device which connects multiple nodes to the network is:

Answer: A hub

Windows 7 was released in which year?

What is Windows XP?

Answer: An operating system

ATM stands for:

Answer: Automated Teller Machine

Which one of these is used to find information on World Wide Web?

Answer: Search Engine

“.gif” is an extension of which type of file?

Answer: Image

Who is the founder of IBM Company?

Answer: Thomas J. Watson

Volatile Memory is:

Answer: Ram

When you delete an object, Windows XP sends it to:

Answer: Recycle Bin

A folder in windows c can’t be made with the name:

Answer: Con/Com1/Com2/Com3

Copying a software without purchasing it is _________ .

Answer: Software Piracy

Ctrl + F2 shortcut is used for:

What is the use of Firewall in a computer?

Answer: For security

What is the full form of ISO?

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nousheen Niazi

    Window 7 was released on 22nd oct 2009

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