We can remove / hide border of a shape by selecting ?

A. No Line
B. No Outline
C. White Line
D. No Border


Camp David is located in USA. It gained fame due to an agreement which was signed by Israel and Egypt in the year of:

A. 1979
B. 1956
C. 1967
D. 1971


Which Turkish Leader abolished the institution of the Caliphate?

A. Mustafa Kamal Attaturk
B. Mustafa jamal Attaturk
C. Sultan Abdul Majeed
D. None of these


Cold War fought between ____ which ends on Fall Of Berlin Wall.

A. US and France
B. US and USSR
C. Germany and USSR
D. US and Germany


The RCEP treaty was formally signed on:

A. 12 November 2020
B. 15 November 2020
C. 18 November 2020
D. 22 November 2020
