Which is not related to Womenโ€™s Studies? A. Gender equity B. Consciousness rising C. Interdisciplinary study of women D. Subjugation of men <!--more-->

Gender as an area of research, teaching and action has emerged only after: A. 1860 B. 1910 C. 1947 D. 1975 <!--more-->

Mark the correct answer about Genderโ€™s Studies from the following: A. It is a Social Science. B. It is an academic discipline. C. It is narratives of women by women.…

The Namaz-e-Taraveeh can be offered between the Salats of?

A. Isha & Fajar
B. Zuhar & Maghrib
C. Asr & Isha
D. Maghrib & Asr


The Maghrib Prayer is offered?

A. Before sunset
B. At noon
C. Just After the sun set
D. None of them
