Which of the following pass connects Chitral with Wahkan?
A. Baroghil Pass
B. Mataka Pass
C. Muztagh Pass
D. Dorah Pass
A. Baroghil Pass
B. Mataka Pass
C. Muztagh Pass
D. Dorah Pass
A. The transformation of grassroots women as mere beneficiaries of services
B. The transformation of women as active participants
C. The transformation of women as non-beneficiaries of services
D. The elimination of women from the public world (more…)
B. Palau
C. Pakistan
D. None of These (more…)
A. All India Muslim League
B. Unionist Party
C. Jamat I Islami
D. None of these (more…)
A. Pakistan Ordinance
B. interim Constitution
C. Indian Act 1935
D. None of these (more…)
A. 1973
B. 1970
C. 1956
D. 1961 (more…)
A. All women are organized for an equitable share of development in society.
B. All women are not equally unequal in their families.
C. Women are attached to a twofold social inequality i.e. In relation to men and in relation to women.
D. Women do not constitute a homogeneous unit (more…)
A. Expansion of people’s freedoms to live long healthy and creative lives
B. Expansion of people’s choices
C. Fulfilling people’s desires
D. Fulfilling sustainable goals (more…)
A. Pay for household work.
B. Sex segregation in jobs.
C. Sex segregation in jobs and less pay for women’s work.
D. More pays for women’s work. (more…)
A. 2010
B. 2009
C. 2008
D. 2011 (more…)