Present Sindhi alphabets made by:

A. Sir Bartle Frere

B. John Hookham Frere

C. Frederic Thesiger

D. Cetshwayo kaMpande


CSS Punjabi Solved MCQs

Punjabi is a regional Subject in CSS Exam. In Punjabi CSS syllabus Subject, a number of CSS candidates get higher marks. The average marks obtained in Punjabi is 70+. Therefore, MCQs of Punjabi subject in CSS play a vital role. Those who are opting Punjabi Subject must try their best to learn Punjabi MCQs as well. In this, Post you will get all the important MCQs of Punjabi Subject for CSS Exam. (more…)

Sound energy is converted into _________ by a microphone?

A. Microwaves

B. Electrical signals

C. Optical Signals

D. Heat energy
