We went for a two-week cruise on an___________ ocean liner.

A. Incredible, Brand – new, huge, Italian
B. Incredible, huge, Brand- new Italian
C. Italian incredible, Brand -new, huge
D. None of these

Order of adjectives

In many languages, adjectives denoting attributes usually occur in a specific order. Generally, the adjective order in English is:

  1. Quantity or number
  2. Quality or opinion
  3. Size
  4. Age
  5. Shape
  6. Color
  7. Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
  8. Purpose or qualifier

More examples of Order of adjectives are

  1. I love that beautiful old big green antique car that is always parked at the end of the street. [quality – age – size – color – proper adjective]
  2. My sister has a big beautiful tan and white bulldog. [size – quality – color – color]
  3. A wonderful old Italian clock. [opinion – age – origin]
  4. A big square blue box. [dimension – shape – color]
  5. A disgusting pink plastic ornament. [opinion – color – material]
  6. Some slim new French trousers. [dimension – age – origin]
  7. An amazing new American movie. [opinion – age – origin]
  8. I bought a pair of black leather shoes. [color – material]
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