The term Communism refers to:

A. A form of socialism that abolishes private ownership
B. Socialism that promotes private wealth
C. Private ownership of capital goods
D. Private ownership of homes & cars

The term communism refers to a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership


Communism is an economic system of socialism that abolishes private ownership. It is a system of social organisation in which all property is vested in the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.

According to Wordweb info dictionary, it has taken different forms in different countries, the most familiar form of communism is that established by the Bolsheviks after the Russian Revolution of 1917. It has generally been defined in terms of the system practised by the former USSR and its allies in eastern Europe, in China since 1949, and in certain developing countries such as Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea.

But Perhaps, the most important political force in the early and mid-20th centuries, communism embraced a revolutionary ideology based on the overthrow of the capitalist system and, in theory at least, on the notion of constant progress towards the perfect stateless society. While Marx envisaged the state ‘withering away’ after the takeover by the proletariat, the communist countries of the 20th century, however, saw the state grow to control all aspects of society.

At last, the end of 1989 saw the collapse of bureaucratic communism in eastern Europe against a background of its failure to meet people’s economic expectations, a shift to more democracy in political life, under Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, and growing nationalist aspirations in the Soviet republics, which led to the breakup of the USSR.

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