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All types of plastids are produced from
A. Chloroplastids
B. Proplastids
C. Chromoplastids
D. Leucoplastids
The number of chromosomes of tobacco plants is
A. 45
B. 48
C. 16
D. 24
Anthocyanin’s are various types of colorful pigments present in the?
A. Chloroplasts
B. Chromoplasts
C. Leucoplasts
D. Vacuoles
The middle lamella of cell wall is composed of
A. Cellulose
B. Pectin
C. Lignin
D. Murein
Fatty acid is converted into carbohydrates by?
A. Glyoxisomes
B. Bile juice
C. Pancreatic juice
D. Lysosomes
All cell membrane is composed of
A. Proteins
B. Lipids
C. Lipoproteins
D. Cellulose
The size of Ribosomes in prokaryotic cell is …….?
A. 40s
B. 60s
C. 70s
D. 80s
A true column of chromosomes number in garden – pea, onion, and tobacco is:
Garden pea Onion Tobacco
A. 13 15 47
B. 14 16 48
C. 15 17 49
D. 16 18 50
The book “Jinnah Of Pakistan” was written by :
A. Khalid bin sayyed
B. Stanley wolpert
C. G. Allana
D. Dr. Hassan askari
Earth has an equatorial circumference of ________ .
A. 24,902 miles
B. 34,902 miles
C. 44,902 miles
D. 54,902 miles