FPSC Custom inspector/ intelligence Officer Test 2021 Past Paper MCQs Here, you will have FPSC Custom inspector/ intelligence Officer Test 2021 Past Paper MCQs Paper conducted by FPSC today 31…

Who was the first Muslim C-in-C of Pakistan Army?

A. Admiral Muhammad Siddiq
B. Field Marshal Muhammad Ayoub
C. General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
D. General Tikka Khan


Who was the first Muslim C-in-C of Air Force?

A. Air Marshal Asgher Khan
B. Air Marshal Zafar Chahdhry
C. Air Marshal Anwar Khan
D. None of them


Who was the first Muslim C-in-C of Pakistan Navy?

A. Admiral Mohammad Siddieque
B. Admiral Shahid Kareem
C. Admiral Karamat Rahman
D. Admiral Tariq


The highest official rank of Pakistan Army is ———?

A. Lieutenant
B. Major General
C. General
D. None of them
