In ancient times, who supposedly inhibited the body and soul of a “crazy” person?
a) God
b) A saint
c) The devil
d) None of these
a) God
b) A saint
c) The devil
d) None of these
A. People show more reserve suspicion and withdrawal
B. Assassinations and events like Watergate and Vietnam increase
C. The ability for people to openly express themselves decrease
D. Both A and C
A. Inappropriate norms
B. Items requiring certain experience
C. Test assume test-taking skills
D. Test givers bias the result
A. Social psychology
B. Para-psychology
C. Applied psychology
D. Humanistic psychology (more…)
A. High intelligence in the fetus, since the fetus must be clever to keep the cigarette burning
B .Low birth weight
C. High mortality
D. Both B and C
A. On one’s taste buds and the smell, temperature and texture of food
B. Only on one’s taste buds
C. Only on smell and texture of food
D. None of these
A. Naming an object held in the left hand
B. Naming an object held in the right hand
C. Recognizing an object held in the left hand
D. Recognizing an object held in the right hand
A. Coffee drinking causes heart attack
B. Individuals prone to heart attacks are predisposed to drink a lot of coffee
C. An active life style of certain people causes heart attack
D. None of these
A.Correlation coefficient
B. Scientific intuition
C. Statistical analysis
D. None of these
A. Loudness
B. Frequency
C. Distance
D. Timber