Choose the sentence with the proper Adjective. (CSS MPT 2022)

A. French wines are not available here
B. He showed much patience
C. He has lost all his wealth
D. I ate some rice (more…)

Current Affairs Guess Paper For CSS 2022 By CSSMCQs

Here, you will have the CSS Current Affairs 2022 Guess Paper For the upcoming CE-2022 made by the qualified CSSMCQs team members while keeping in review all the major aspects of the CSS Current Affairs Past Papers. Insha’ALLAH, you will have 2-4 same statement’s questions in your real exam. You can practice these questions right away, however, it will be updated with the lapse of time.


The sentence ‘The earth is larger than the moon’, than is: (CSS MPT 2022)

A. Subordinating Conjunction

B. Coordinating Conjunction

C. Not a conjunction

D. Both a & B (more…)