Sometimes we think about the beauty of Heaven, what we call it: (CSS MPT 2022)
A. Imagination
B. Concept Formation
C. Fantasy
D. None of these
A. Imagination
B. Concept Formation
C. Fantasy
D. None of these
A. William Stern
B. A.R Jensen
C. R.B Cattell
D. None of these
A. Short term memory
B. Long term memory
C. Sensory memory
D. None of these
A. Learning
B. Strategy
C. Metamemory
D. None of these
A. Argument
B. Premises
C. Conclusion
D. None of these
A. A book is read by me
B. A book was read by me
C. A book has been read by me
D. Both A) and B)
A. A noise woke me up in the middle of the night
B. Noise woke me up in the middle of the night
C. A noise woke me up at the middle of the night
D. A noise woke me up on the middle of the night (more…)
A. Attrition
B. Reiteration
C. Sedition
D. Perdition (more…)
A. Protracted
B. Exalted
C. Coveted
D. Filibustered (more…)
A. Our friend has an apartment toward East London
B. Our friends has an apartment on East London
C. Our friend has an apartment in the East London
D. Our friend has an apartment in East London (more…)