_____is the current US Secretary of State: (CA 2022)

A. Mike Pempoo

B. Antony Blinken

C. Lloyd Austin

D. None of These


The height of World’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa (UAE) is______metres. (CA 2022)

A. 848

B. 838

C. 828

D. None of These


Name of present Chinese Foreign Minister is: (CA 2022)

A. Wang Yi

B. Yeo Jing

C. Wong Rong

D. None of These


CIS is a regional organization situated in: (CA 2022)

A. Far East

B. Central East

C. Middle East

D. None of These


Kautilya was the chief advisor of: (CA 2022)

A. Emperor Chandragupta

B. Ashoka The Great

C. Prithivi Raj chauhan

D. None of These
