One Word Substitution for CSS, PMS & Tehsildar 2022 Exams
Here, you will have some most important One Word Substitution for CSS, PMS & Tehsildar 2022 Exams which are always asked in these kinds of exams. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to cover them right now. You can also download these One Word Substitution of English categories, download button is given at the end of this document.
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List of One Word Substitution
Through which light cannot pass?
A. Dull
B. Dark
C. Obscure
D. Opaque
A leady who remains unmarried?
A. Bachelor
B. Misanthrope
C. Spinster
D. None of these
The original inhabitants of a Country.
A. Aborigines
B. Citizens
C. Natives
D. Primitive
A group of birds or a flock flying together in hundreds or even in thousands is called?
A. Startling
B. Murmuration
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
One who lacks knowledge?
A. Intelligent
B. Ignorant
C. Credulous
D. Colleague
A part of a word that can be pronounced separately?
A. Particle
B. Sibilant
C. Syllable
D. Letter
One who travels from place to place?
A. Itinerant
B. Mendicant
C. Journeyman
D. Tramp
The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own is known as?
A. Cuckold
B. Despotism
C. Plagiarism
D. Epicure
A person who talks in his/her sleep is known as?
A. Bourgeois
B. ventriloquist
C. Somniloquist
D. None of these
Secretly listening to a conversation is called?
A. Eavesdrop
B. Overhearing
C. Pigeonholing
D. Spying
A disease that is liable to be transmitted to people through the environment is known as?
A. Contagious
B. Infectious
C. Fatal
D. Incurable
A disease spreading from one person or organism to another by contact is known as?
A. Contagious
B. Infectious
C. Unanimous
D. Fatal
Something that is hard but liable to break easily is known as?
A. Brittle
B. Flexible
C. Resilient
D. Supple
The action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats is known as?
A. Coercion
B. Conviction
C. Confession
D. Cajolement
A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land is known as?
A. Gulf
B. Isthmus
C. Peninsula
D. Continent
Government by a small group of all powerful persons is known as?
A. Dictatorship
B. Monarchy
C. Oligarchy
D. Anarchy
A person who helps another commit a crime is known as?
A. Accomplice
B. Amateur
C. Cuckold
D. Changeling
A sad poem usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead is known as?
A. Elegy
B. Oad
C. Sestina
D. Epic
A long poem narrating achievements of a hero or legendary figures is known as?
A. Epic
B. Elegy
C. Ode
D. Sestina
A form of written language for blind people is known as?
A. Braille
B. Elysium
C. Epicure
D. Arson
A medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison is known as?
A. antidote
B. antitoxin
C. Adderall
D. A & B
One who eats everything indiscriminately is known as?
A. Albumen
B. Adept
C. Omnivorous
D. Amphibian
One who is present everywhere is known as?
A. Omnipotent
B. Omniscient
C. Omnipresent
D. None of the above
Something which is incapable of being seen through is known as?
A. Non-transparent
B. Blurred
C. Opaque
D. All of the above
Something which is capable of being seen through is known as?
A. Opaque
B. Coarse
C. Ambiguous
D. Transparent
One who is unable to pay debts owed is known as?
A. Foreclosed
B. Insolvent
C. Bankrupt
D. All of the above
A person who collects or has a great love of books is known as?
A. Bibliophile
B. Pluviophile
C. Cosmopolitan
D. Changeling
Forcing someone to make payment for not revealing discreditable secrets is known as?
A. Blackmail
B. Despotism
C. Assassin
D. Elysium
The offence of marrying someone while already married to another person is known as?
A. Bigamy
B. Coupe
C. Bigot
C. Biped
A large enclosure for confining birds is known as?
A. Aviary
B. Columbary
C. Volary
D. All of the above
Items of business to be considered at a meeting is called?
A. Agenda
B. Bulletin
C. Elysium
D. Epicture
A Game which no one wins called?
A. Tie
B. Draw
C. loss
D. toss
the killing of one’s mother called?
A. matricide
B. parricide
C. regicide
D. patricide
killing of a large group of people called?
A. filicide
B. fratricide
C. genocide
D. homicide
A community of people smaller than a village
A. hamlet
B. aviary
C. apiary
D. none of these
A person who is controlled by wife called
A. Henpeck
B. Connoisseur
C. Somnambulist
D. None of these
A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry etc. is called as?
A. Cellar
B. Sty
C. Pen
D. Lair
” Infallible ” refers to the one who is free from all?
A. cares & worries
B. cares & failures
C. mistakes & failures
D. Worries & troubles
Action of killing King is called?
A. regicide
B. suicide
C. patricide
D. parricide
Fear of closed places:
A. Claustrophobia
B. Misogynist
C. Ambidextrous
D. Philanthropy
Having a tendency to break the law to do socially unacceptable things is?
A. delinquent
B. frank
C. juvenile
D. guilty
One who criticizes popular beliefs which he/she thinks is a mistake or unwise is?
A. philistine
B. iconoclast
C. imposter
D. cannibal
Practice of employing spies in war is?
A. esplande
B. espadrille
C. estrangement
D. espionage
A broad road bordered with trees is?
A. boudoir
B. boulevard
C. avenue
D. façade
Detaining and confining someone is?
A. interruption
B. interrogation
C. internment
D. intermittent
One who offers his service without charging for it is?
A. philanderer
B. volunteer
C. mercenary
D. missionary
A place where a lot people go on holiday or vacation is?
A. casino
B. beach
C. resort
D. museum
The act of giving up sovereign power is?
A. relinquish
B. renounce
C. abdicate
D. resign
Violation of something holy or sacred is?
A. profanity
B. sedition
C. sacrilege
D. slander
Living at the same time is?
A. concurrent
B. contemporary
C. coincident
D. concomitant
Branch of medicine dealing with the health and care of old people is?
A. obstetrics
B. pediatrics
C. calisthenics
D. geriatrics
The time when two people have a romantic relationship before they get married is?
A. snobbery
B. courtship
C. estrangement
D. polyphony
That never fails is?
A. irrelevant
B. infallible
C. indelible
D. inaudible
An odd, a typical or eccentric trait is?
A. harangue
B. hyperbole
C. idiosyncrasy
D. elegy
A dogmatic person is?
A. nomadic
B. elite
C. zealot
D. swashbuckler
A cluster of house in village is?
A. fleet
B. hamlet
C. monument
D. constellation
A noisy and bombastic speech addressed to a large assembly is?
A. rhetoric
B. cacophony
C. harangue
Hard to understand is?
A. punctilious
B. obtuse
C. absurd
D. abstruse
The study of ancient writings is?
A. annals
B. paleographic
C. calligraphy
D. archeology
One who promotes the idea of absence of government of any kind, when every man should be a law unto himself is?
A. agnostic
B. Iconoc
C. belligerent
D. anarchist
Responsible according to law is?
A. eligible
B. legitimate
C. legalised
D. liable
Which is bound to be done is?
A. soliloquy
B. sinecure
C. indelible
D. None of these
Matter written by hand is?
A. handwritten
B. manuscript
C. proof
D. amnesty
A statement that can have a double meaning is?
A. Verbose
B. Ambivalent
C. Epigraph
D. Ambiguous
Money paid to a man for his labour is?
A. sacrilege
B. rent
C. bunting
D. remuneration
A person who constantly thinks, he is sick is a?
A. hypochondriac
B. misogynist
C. misanthrope
D. hyperpitutiary
One who has obstinate and narrow religious views is ?
A. fanatic
B. theologian
C. bigot
D. egotist
Specialised in nose disease is?
A. rhinologist
B. philologist
C. endocrinologist
D. gerontologist
Animals who lives in herds are?
A. sociable
B. gregarious
C. carnivorous
D. social
An unexpected piece of good fortune is?
A. windfall
B. philanthrophy
C. benevolence
D. turnstile
An emolument over and above fixed income or salary is?
A. honorarium
B. sinecure
C. prerogative
D. perquisite
The doctor known as an eye-specialist is?
A. orthodontist
B. orthopedist
C. ophthalmologist
D. obstetrician
The practice of pretending to have feelings that one does not really have is?
A. treachery
B. villainy
C. hypocrisy
D. inundate
To run away with a lover is?
A. deceive
B. cheat
C. escape
D. elope
A system of government controlled by persons of high intellectual ability is?
A. oligarchy
B. democracy
C. meritocracy
D. theocracy
Young one of horse is?
A. piglet
B. lamb
C. calf
D. colt
One who does not follow the usual rules of social life is called ?
A. egoist
B. frank
C. bohemian
D. reveille
One who walks on ropes is called .
A. Aviator
B. Acrobat
C. Funambulist
D. Upholsterer
A person who wastes his money on luxury is ?
A. Luxuriant
B. Luxurious
C. Extravagant
D. Stingy
A doctor who treats children is called .
A. Pedophile
B. Fatalist
C. Pediatrician
D. Pedagogue
A person who is unable to pay his debts is called .
A. Borrower
B. Insolvent
C. Lender
D. Allen
Fear of heights is ?
A. Highphobia
B. Altophobia
C. Heliophobia
D. Acrophobia
An act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play:
A. Sinecure
B. Soliloquy
C. Pessimist
D. Philanthropist
One who collects coins as hobby:
A. Philatelist
B. Ornithologist
C. Statistician
D. Numismatist
To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings:
A. Meditation
B. Retrospection
C. Reflection
D. Introspection
Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something:
A. Coercion
B. Conviction
C. Confession
D. Cajolement
A disease that spreads over a large area:
A. Academic
B. Epidemic
C. Incorrigible
D. Invincible
That which can never be believed:
A. Irrevocable
B. Inevitable
C. Incredible
D. Irritable
One who able to use the right and left hands equally well:
A. Sinister
B. Ambidextrous
C. Ambivalent
D. Amateur
Government by rich:
A. Oligarchy
B. Aristocracy
C. Pantisocracy
D. Plutocracy
An independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute:
A. Arbiter
B. Mediator
C. Agent provocateur
D. Arbitrator
One who has good taste for food:
A. Gourmet
B. Curator
C. Parasite
D. Stoic
An unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage:
A. Spinster
B. Artist
C. Bachelor
D. Misanthrope
A pioneer of a reform movement:
A. Apostle
B. Apothecary
C. Apotheosis
D. Renegade
Custom of having many wives:
A. Misogamy
B. Bigamy
C. Polygamy
D. Monogamy
International destruction of racial groups:
A. Matricide
B. Regicide
C. Genocide
D. Homicide
A remedy for all diseases:
A. Narcotics
B. Antiseptic
C. Panacea
D. Lyric
A man who rarely speaks the truth:
A. Crook
B. Liar
C. Scoundrel
D. Hypocrite
A disease which spreads by contact:
A. Incurable
B. Infectious
C. Contagious
D. Fatal
A person who is indifferent to pains and pleasure of life:
A. Stoic
B. Sadist
C. Psychiatrist
D. Aristocrat
The murder of Brother:
A. Homicide
B. Regicide
C. Fratricide
D. Suicide
One who cannot easily pleased:
A. Cosmopolitan
B. Frightening
C. Fastidious
D. Feminist
A person who loves everybody:
A. Cosmopolitan
B. Fratricide
C. Altruist
D. Aristocrat
One who believes in the power of fate:
A. Fatalist
B. Optimist
C. Pessimist
D. Parsimonious
A sad song:
A. Ditty
B. Knell
C. Dirge
D. Lay
Story of old time gods or heroes is:
A. Lyric
B. Epic
C. Legend
D. Romance
A lady’s umbrella is:
A. Parasol
B. Granary
C. Epitaph
D. Aviary
Person who does not believe in the existence of God:
A. Theist
B. Heretic
C. Atheist
D. Fanatic
Commencement of words with the same letter:
A. Pun
B. Alliteration
C. Transferred epithet
D. Oxymoron
A hater of knowledge and learning:
A. Bibliophile
B. Philologist
C. Misogynist
D. Misologist
One who abandons his religious faith:
A. Apostate
B. Prostate
C. Profane
D. Agnostic
A person who renounces the world and practices self-discipline in order to attain salvation:
A. Sceptic
B. Ascetic
C. Devotee
D. Antiquarian
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