Most Important Islamic Hijri MCQs Dates
Here, you will find all Islamic Hijri dates which are very important for all MCQs based exams and tests. These Islamic hijri dates are always asked in various tests through out Pakistan. If you remember by heart all these hijri dates, it will be very beneficial for you to get higher score in FPSC, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, NTS, PTS, ETEA and all other Competitive Exams. Therefore, learn them by heart as soon as possible.
Most Important Islamic Hijri MCQs Dates
Important Ghazwa Hijri Dates of Islam
●Ghazwa e Badar=2 hijari
●Ghazwa Uhod =3hijari
●Ghazwa e Khandak =5 hijari
●Ghazwa e Khyber =7 hijari
●Ghazwa e hunain =8 hijari
● Ghazwa e motta =8 hijari
●Conquest of makkhah=8 hijari
●Jung e yamama =8 hijari
●Ghazwa e Tabook =9 hijari
Important events Hijri Dates
●Bait- ul -maqdas changed to Bait Ullah Shareef=2 hijari
●Azan become compulsory =2 hijari
●zakat/Namaz/Roza =2 hijari
●Parda/nqab ka hukam=4 hijari
●Bait e Rizwan/Bait e shajar =6 hijari
●Sulah hudaibia =6 hijari
●sharab was prohibited =6 hijari
●Hajj ki faziat =9 hijari
●Khutba hijjat-ul-wida =10 hijari
●Interest was prohibited =10 hijari
●1st hijarat e Habsha=5 nabwi
●2nd hijarat e Habsha =7 nabwi
●Maqat’at e Quraish /shab e abi talib=7 nabwi to 10 nabwi
●Aa, am al hazan year =10 nabwi
●Namaz ki farziat=10 nabwi
●waqia-e-miraj =10 nabwi
●Namaz e janaza ki farziat =2 hijari
●Roza ki farziat =13 nabwi
●Tayamum ka hukam =4 hijari….
Please add if you remember any other Important Islamic Hijri Dates that you do not find here.
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