An attempt to integrate common business practices from the United States and Japan into one middle ground framework has been termed as?
A. Theory X
B. Theory Y
C. Type Z Model
D. Universal Model (more…)
A. Theory X
B. Theory Y
C. Type Z Model
D. Universal Model (more…)
A. Open System
B. Closed System
C. Sub System
D. Synergy (more…)
Hawthorne studies were mainly conducted by? A. Elton Mayo B. Hugo Munsterberg C. Mary Parker D, Henry Gantt
The most articulate spokesperson of Administrative Management was? A. Max Weber B. Chester Barnard C. Lyndall Urwick D. Henri Fayol
The dominant role in developing Scientific Management was played by?
A. Henri Fayol
B. F. W. Taylor
C. Harrington Emerson
D. Frank Gilbreth (more…)
A. Leading
B. Organizing
C. Coordination
D. Monitoring (more…)
A. Conservative
B. Modern
C. Effective
D. Efficient (more…)
A. Efficient
B. Systemic
C. Effective
D. Reasonable (more…)
A. Accountability
B. Transparency
C. Nepotism
D. Rule of law (more…)
A. Bureaucratic Organization
B. Functional Organization
C. Manufacturing Organization
D. Product Organization (more…)