Sociology Solved MCQS Year 2006



(1) Any method of data collection that directly removes the researcher from research site

A. Erosion measure B. Accretion measure

C. Unobtrusive measure D. None ofthese

  1. Commonly used measure of variability whose size indicates the dispersion of a

distribution is: .

A. Standard deviation

C. Standard score

B. Co-efficient of variation

D. Variance

  1. In sample selection a threat that occurs when individuals have been assigned to the experimental group on the basis of their extreme score

on dependent variable is

A. Experimental mortality B. Regression artifact C. Maturation D. None of these

  1. An overall scheme of scientific activities in which scientists engage in order to produce knowledge is a:

A. Research process B. Research model

C. Research methodology D. Research design

  1. When there is an inherent causal link between dependent and independent variables, the relationship is:

A. Non-spurious

( b) significant relationship

C. Spurious D. None of these

  1. Questions that are relevant to some respondents, may be irrelevant to others are known as:

A. Double barreled questions B. Leading questions

C. Contingency questions D. Matrix questions

  1. Stratified sample falls under:

A. Probability sampling design B.Non probability sampling

C. Multi-stage sample design D. None of these

8)Egoistic, the special type of stucide presented by Emile Durkheim, springing from:

A. Excessive irregulation B. Excessive individualism

C. over integration with group D. None of these

9)To Simmel, a mean of maintaining or increasing integration within groups is:


A. Co-operation B. Competition

C. Coercion D. Conflict

10)Sociology is introduced as an academic discipline by:

A. Ibn-e-Khaldun B. Auguste Conte C. George Simmel D. Herbert Spencer

11)Society as a complex organization of parts that functions to fulfill the requirement a..’1d promote the needs of the whole, is a concept of:

A. Structural Functionalism B. Interaction School of thought

C. Phenomology D. None of these

12)The concepts of “Protestant” and “Bourgeoise” were presented by:

A. Talcat parson B. Karl Marx

C. Max Weber D. Emile Durkheim

13)In “The Division of Labor in Society”, Emile Durkheim presented the idea of:

A. Mechanical & organic solidarity B. Social & psychologica! solidarity

C. Physical & social solidarity (dJ Psychological & mechanica.: solidarIty

E. None of these

14)A large kinship group whose members inhibit one geographical area and believe the: are descendent from a common ancestor is known as:

A. clan B. Tribe

D. Class E. None of these

C. Kin group

15)The process by which cultural traits spread from one group or society to another is called:

A. Folkways

B. Cultural diffusion

C. Counter culture

D. Cultural complexes

E. None of these

16) The phenomena when educated and highly skilled people emigrate to a new country, their home country loses, is referred as:

A. Chain migration B. Life-time migration C. Brain Drain

D. Mover E. None of these

17) A social condition in which values are conflicting, weak or absent is called:

A. Assimilation B. Hawthrne effect C. invasion

D. Anomie (e.) None of these