“Das Kapital” was written by?

A. Hegel
B. Karl Marx
C. Engels
D. None of these (more…)

Who wrote “Language Truth and Logic”?

A. Russell
B. Ayer
C. Schlick
D. None of these (more…)

Who wrote “Tractatus Logico Philosophicus”?

A. Ayes
B. Wittgenstein
C. Carnap
D. None of these (more…)

Who is the author of “Being and Time”?

A. Karl Jaspers
B. Gabriel Marcel
C. Heidegger
D. None of these (more…)

Who is the author of “Being and Nothingness”?

A. Sartre
B. Heidegger
C. Kierkegaard
D. None of these (more…)

Hypothesis is important in?

A. Scientific explanation
B. Deductive logic
C. Symbolic logic
D. None of these (more…)

Symbolic logic is different from?

A. Deductive logic
B. Inductive logic
C. Both of these
D. None of these (more…)

If in categorical syllogism the middle term is not distributed, it commits the fallacy of?

A. Existential fallacy
B. Undistributed Middle
C. Illicit major
D. None of these (more…)

Logic is a?

A. Behavioral science
B. Normative science
C. Natural science
D. None of these (more…)

Inference of induction argument is?

A. necessary
B. probable
C. invalid
D. None of these (more…)