Post category:General Knowledge MCQs United Nations University is located in A. United States B. France C. UK D. Japan (more…)
Post category:Pakistan Affairs Mcqs Bahawalpur State joined Pakistan in A. 1951B. 1948C. 1950D. 1947 (more…)
Post category:General Knowledge MCQs/Geography MCQs Missouri River is found in A. China B. Japan C. UK D. US (more…)
Post category:Biology MCQs/General Biology Which animal belongs to cat family A. Bat B. Blue Whale C. Cheetah D. Goat (more…)
Post category:Country Capitals The capital city of Liberia is A. Tiran B. Monrovia C. Pristina D. Quitto (more…)
Post category:General Knowledge MCQs Country with most FIFA World Cups A. FranceB. SpainC. ItalyD. Brazil (more…)
Post category:Geography MCQs/Geology MCQs Manora Island is located in A. Mumbai B. Shanghai C. Karachi D. Tokyo (more…)
Post category:General Knowledge MCQs RAW, Indian Secret Agency was formulated in A. 1968 B. 1967 C. 1965 D. 1988 (more…)
Post category:General Knowledge MCQs “Child of War” term is associated with which organisation A. UNO B. Asia Watch C. Green Peace D. League of Nations (more…)
Post category:General Knowledge MCQs Country with longest land frontiers A. Canada B. Russia C. United States D. China (more…)