Which type of vitamin is useful for the human body through Sun? (CSS MPT 2022)

A. Vitamin B12
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin D
D. None of these


Which instrument is used to measure the oxygen level of the blood? (CSS MPT 2022)

A. Thermometer
B. Oximeter
C. Spirometer
D. None of these


Which of the planet moves fastest around the Sun? (CSS MPT 2022)

A. Venus
B. Mercury
C. Jupiter
D. None of these


Which of the following gas is used in the Refrigerator for cooling? (CSS MPT 2022)

A. Methane
B. Ammonia
C. Nitrogen
D. None of these


The waves which are used by the TV remote control are: (CSS MPT 2022)

A. Infrared waves
B. Radio waves
C. TV waves
D. None of these


Vitamin A creates _____ deficiency in the human body. (CSS MPT 2022)

A. Hair fall
B. Rickets
C. Night blindness
D. None of these
