The natural fats and oils are composed of_____.

A. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
B. Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen
C. Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen
D. Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen


The instrument used to measure wind speed is____.

A. Anemometer
B. Barometer
C. Hydrometer
D. Hygrometer


The gas, commonly known as “laughing gas”, is ____.

A. Cabon Dioxide
B. Sulfur Dioxide
C. Nitrous Oxide

D. Sodium Oxide


The good sources of iodine are____.

A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods (more…)

The good sources of Vitamin-C are____.

A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods
