76. Sovereignty is which one of the following bases of the state:
77. Law is “the body of Principles recognized and applied by the state in the administration of
justice” is said by:
78. The term Propaganda acquired derogatory sense:
After World War I
79. The word “polis” means:
A city state
80. In which century Austinian theory of Sovereignty was refuted by Pluralists?
Karl Marx
83. A voluntary union of sovereign and independent states is called:
84. Author of the book ‘Leviathan’ is:
Thomas Hobbes
85. “Reconstruction of Religion Thought in Islam” is written by:
Allama Iqbal
86. The author of the book ‘Stateman’ is:
87. “Justice is giving everyone his due” is said by:
88. The dissolution of Khilafat and the establishment of ‘Grand National Assembly” in Turkey was
highly appreciated by:
82. Author of the book ‘Capital’ is
Allama Iqbal
89. Author of the Book ‘Spirit of Islam” is:
Syed Amir Ali
90. The concept of ‘Separation of Powers’ was given by:
91. Which of the political philosophers was more admitted by the American Founding Fathers, and
his thoughts on the importance of private property were reflected in the drafting and historical
development of the American Constitution.
John Locke
93. Who said “Law is the command of a determinate sovereign”?
John Austin
94. “Only the will of the sovereign can be the source of law”. Who said it?
John Hobbes
95. Those who are active against the very existence of state are known as:
96. The concept of ‘Surplus Value’ is given by:
97. In Plato’s Ideal State, one reaches at the pinnacle of the State order at the age of:
98. Which one is the ‘supreme law of the land in the USA’?
Constitutional Law

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