Who is the current 2022 Chancellor of Germany?
A. Gerhard Schröder
B. Olaf Scholz
C. Frank-Walter Steinmeier
D. Elke Büdenbender
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”] Correct Answer: Olaf Scholz [/expand] (more…)
A. Gerhard Schröder
B. Olaf Scholz
C. Frank-Walter Steinmeier
D. Elke Büdenbender
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”] Correct Answer: Olaf Scholz [/expand] (more…)
A. 1919
B. 1939
C. 1946
D. 1951
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”] 1946[/expand]
A. Children
B. Women
C. Society
D. None of these
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”]Correct Answer: UNICEF stands for: United National international children’s emergency fund[/expand]
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”]Correct Answer: Six (6) [/expand]
A. 1939
B. 1940
C. 1941
D. 1942
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”]Correct Answer: June 22, 1941[/expand] (more…)
C. Vietnam war
D. Soviet Afghan invasion
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”]Correct Answer: WWII [/expand] (more…)
A. Amir Kabir
B. Hussain Amir Abdllohian
C. Mohammad Javad Zarif
D. Mirza Abolhassan Khan Ilchi
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”] Correct Answer: Hussain Amir Abdllohian [/expand] (more…)
A. Michael Gove
B. Boris Johnson
C. Rishi Sunak
D. Liz Truss
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”]Correct Answer: Rishi Sunak [/expand] (more…)
A. 8th
B. 10th
C. 11th
D. 12th
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”]Correct Answer: 12th President [/expand]
A. Niger
C. Pakistan
[expand title=”Show Answer…” swaptitle=”…Hide Answer”] Correct Answer: Pakistan [/expand] (more…)