General Knowledge sp full form
General Knowledge sp full form

1. The rocks which are formed by direct cooling and solidification of magma are called?

A.   Metamorphic rocks

B.   Igneous rocks

C.   Derivative rocks

D.   Sedimentary rocks


2. Which of the following is an ore of iron?

A.   Gypsum

B.   Ilmentie

C.   Hematite

D.   Bauxite


3. “Cloud Burst” means?

A.   Abnormally heavy downpour of rain, associated with a thunderstorm

B.   Sowing of seeds of a crop in a cloudy weather

C.   Presence of scattered flakes of cloud in the sky

D.   Formation of artificial rain


4. Latitude of south pole is?

A.   0o

B.   30o

C.   60o

D.      90o


5. Contour is a measure of?

A.   Pressure

B.   Temperature

C.   Rainfall

D.   Topography


6. The lunar eclipse occurs when?

A.   Earth is at right angles to the direction of the sun and the moon

B.   Sun is between the earth and the moon

C.   Earth is between the sun and the moon

D.   Moon is between the earth and the sun


7. Sandstones belong to?

A.   Arenaceous rocks

B.   Carbonaceous rocks

C.   Calacerous rocks

D.   Argillaceous rocks


8. Humidity is the air is maximum in?

A.   Autumn

B.   Monsoon

C.   Summer

D.   Winter


9. ‘Roaring Forties’ are?

A.   Steady north westerly anti-trade winds in southern hemisphere

B.   Ocean current in northern hemisphere

C.   Spring tides

D.   Cyclonic westerly winds in northern hemisphere


10. The seasonal reversal of winds is a phenomenon noticed in?

A.   High lands

B.   Equatorial climate

C.   Mediterranean climate

D.   Monsoon climate


11. Hail storm occurs in summer season due to the formation of clouds called?

A.   Cirrocumulus

B.   Cumulonimbus

C.   Cumulus

D.   Cirrus


12. Which of the following is a Kharif crop?

A.   Mustard

B.   Gram

C.   Rice

D.   Wheat


13. Which of the following has the largest area in the world?

A.   Russia

B.   USA

C.   China

D.   Canada


14. The imaginary line on the earth’s surface which closely follows the 180o meridian, is called?

A.   Prime meridian

B.   Equator

C.   Tropic of Cancer

D.   International Date Line


15. Which of the following soils is best suited for deep rooted crops?

A.   Alluvial soil

B.   Laterite soil

C.   Black soil

D.   Red soil


16. Winds generally blow form areas of?

A.   Low pressure to that of moderate pressure

B.   High pressure to that of moderate pressure

C.   High pressure to that of low pressure

D.   Low pressure to that of high pressure


17. Change in season is caused due to?

A.   Inclination of earth

B.   Rotation of earth

C.   Revolution of earth

D.   None of these


19. Which of the following types of rainfall is typical of equatorial regions?

A.   Cyclonic

B.   Orographic

C.   Convectional

D.   None of these


20. Soil formed by deposition of silt brought by rivers is?

A.   Podsols

B.   Black soil

C.   Red soil

D.   Alluvial soil