“If you judge a fish by its ability to ride a bicycle, it’ll die believing it’s a failure” is said by which of the following personalities?

A. Newton
B. Marie
C. Einstein
D. Schrodinger

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Correct Answer: C. Einstein

__________ is extensive form of Amnesia.

A. Fugue
B. Multiple personalities
C. Amnesia
D. All of these


_________ is a dissociative reaction of neurotic disorder.

A. Fugue
B. Multiple personality
C. Amnesia
D. All of these

Bartlett was a ________ psychologist.

A. British
B. French
C. German
D. American

Dual memory theory was presented by ____________

A. Atkinson & Shiffrin
B. Muller & Pilzechar
C. Kandel & Schwartz
D. None of these


Neurological theory of memory was presented by _______

A. Atkinson & Shiffrin
B. Muller & Pilzechar
C. Kandel & Schwartz
D. None of these
