Ibn ul Arabi is famous for his Sufism based on the idea of?

A. Wahdat-ul-Wajood
B. Wahdat-ul-Shahood
C. Amr Bil Maroof
D. None of these (more…)

Who said, “Knowledge is a virtue”?

A. Plato
B. Democritus
C. Socrates
D. None of these (more…)

The founder of Modern Philosophy was?

A. Spinoza
B. Hume
C. Descartes
D. None of these (more…)

Empiricism is a philosophical school of thought that originated in?

A. America
B. Britain
C. Germany
D. None of these (more…)

Kant is famous for his critiques. Which one is the most important?

A. Critique of Pure Reason
B. Critique of Pure Practical Reason
C. Critique of Practical Reason
D. None of these (more…)

Amr Ibn Ubaid and Wasil Ibn Ata were the pupils of?

A. Al-Ghazali
B. Imam Hasan Basri
C. Imam Ibn-i-Tamiya
D. None of these (more…)

Abu Musa was the founder of the Kalamist thought of the?

A. Mutazilites
B. Qadarites
C. Asharites
D. None of these (more…)

The word “Mutazilites” is derived from the Arabic word?

A. Ihtisal
B. Itizal
C. Istidlal
D. None of these (more…)

Who was the first to translate the Quran in Persian in the Sub-Continent?

A. Shah Abdul Qadir
B. Syed Ahmed Shaheed
C. Shah Waliullah
D. None of these (more…)

Who is the founder of Philosophy of History?

A. Ibn-i-Sina
B. Al-Kindi
C. Ibn-i-Khaldun
D. None of these (more…)