OIC was established in September ____________ in response to the Israeli terrorist attacks on Al Aqsa Mosque.
A. 1968
B. 1969
C. 1971
D. 1979 (more…)
A. 1968
B. 1969
C. 1971
D. 1979 (more…)
A. 46th meeting
B. 47th meeting
C. 48th meeting
D. 49th meeting (more…)
A. It is a Social Science.
B. It is an academic discipline.
C. It is narratives of women by women.
D. Both a and b (more…)
A. Constructive liability.
B. Strict liability.
C. Vicarious liability.
D. None of the above
A. 31st January 2020
B. 31st January 2021
C. 31st January 2022
D. None of these (more…)
A. 98 members
B 100 members
C. 102 members
D. 104 members (more…)
A. March 05
B. March 15
C. March 25
D. March 29
A. 1600 meters
B. 1500 meters
C. 1680 meters
D. 1700 meters
A. Hazrat Usamah bin Zaid (RA)
B. Hazrat Bilal Habshi (RA)
C. Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)
D. None of these