Managerial authority denotes?
A. Right to act or direct the action of other in attainment of organizational goals
B. Right to give orders and power to extract obedience
C. Supreme coordinating power
D. All of these (more…)
A. Right to act or direct the action of other in attainment of organizational goals
B. Right to give orders and power to extract obedience
C. Supreme coordinating power
D. All of these (more…)
A. Business is carried on large scale
B. Methods of operations are complex
C. Where expertise of specialist is required
D. All of these (more…)
A. A manager cannot supervise the activities of an unlimited number of people
B. Span of management directly affects the number of management levels in the organization
C. The capacity and the ability of the executive have absolutely no role in determining the span of management
D. Higher the degree of decentralization, larger can the span of management (more…)
A. It is a continuous process
B. It implies a choice
C. It is an intellectual activity
D. Decision making is identical with problem (more…)
A. Developing premises
B. Stating organizational objectives
C. Developing plans
D. Putting plans into action (more…)
A. Division of work
B. Planning and Organization
C. Authority and responsibility
D. Espirit de corps (more…)
A. In union there is strength
B. Employees should receive orders from one superior only
C. Group to be assigned the responsibility of commanding
D. Command be equally distributed among horizontal line (more…)
A. Hawthorne plant at Western Electric Company, Chicago
B. Hawthorne plant at Harvard University
C. HRD Department, Stanford University
D. General Electric Company, New (more…)
A. Management and Administration are one
B. Administration is a part of Management
C. Management and Administration are different
D. Depends on the type of organization (more…)
A. Classical management
B. Bureaucratic management
C. Neo-classical management
D. Scientific management (more…)